Is this a failing score for CFA? (male)


Jan 19, 2023
52ft Basketball throw
8 pull ups
9.31s shuttle run
55 sit ups
43 push ups
7.08 min. mile run

Should I retake this or is this ok to turn in?

Thank you.
I would definitely work on pushups, situps, and the mile run. You want to aim for at least 70 for situps and around 50 for pushups to pass. The mile run can be passable. Those are just the minimums IMO, aim to get the highest you can.
CFA calculator says borderline... if you pass it will be just barely. The calculator is just a guess...
If I were your ALO, I'd tell you to retake it.


52ft Basketball throw - BORDERLINE BAD...add 10' and then we'll talk
8 pull ups NICE!! I'm good with this
9.31s shuttle run - WARNING...this will be considered SLOW, it may/may not pass
55 sit ups - THIS IS VERY LOW and I believe, failing. The "average" that USAFA reports is 81...I've had candidates pass with 65+ but with better numbers elsewhere so it "balanced" out
43 push ups - Again, THIS IS VERY LOW. Is it failing by itself? MAYBE not but with the sit-up score, I believe they'll tag you with this one too
7.08 min. mile run - If all your other numbers were close to or at the "averages" then this is fine. With others not so good...this is marginal.

All that being said...I believe they will score this as "UNSAT" and they "may" give you a second chance. They're under no obligation to do so, but recently they have been doing that.

Just my two-cents.

52ft Basketball throw
8 pull ups
9.31s shuttle run
55 sit ups
43 push ups
7.08 min. mile run

Should I retake this or is this ok to turn in?

Thank you.
I submitted my CFA last week and they gave me 4 weeks to re-do. My scores were worse than yours but I assume if yours are failing too that will trigger an auto-retake like it did for me. Not sure though. I think not having your CFA submitted before 1/20 might forefit your chance for a retake. For reference: I hit 42ft, 4, 9.4s, 87, 21, 6:03
Well the thing is, this is my second CFA and I am reluctant to turn it in. Also, my deadline for this one is February 15th.
Since this is already your "second chance", you need to do much better. See flieger83 post above.
Can you elect not to turn it in?

IIRC - my son did it and the person recording submitted it.
My PE coach just turned my CFA result in today and on the portal it was marked as completed, my file hasn't been closed yet. Is this safe to say that I passed?