While there definitely are some limitations for new cadets, it isn't so much a restriction by rules as it is a restriction of space. Remember, there are usually 2-3 of you sharing a room. With possible renovations, maybe a 4th. (Don't quote me on that). Yes, there are definitely some rules restrictions such as no MP3, IPOD, etc... However, there are a lot of things that cadets can have. As for the 1st year there and some gift ideas, here are a couple. They are small, yet very practical.
1. Nice Digital Camera. You will definitely have opportunities to use it.
2. Nice printer/scanner/copier combination. Much more convenient than going down the hall for a print out and hoping the printer isn't broken.
3. An external monitor to connect to the laptop/docking station. Makes for doing work much nicer. Plus the laptops have dual monitor support, so the laptop's screen and the external monitor can be extensions of each other. Makes for doing homework and research easier.
4. A nice mountain bike. That totally depends on the type of person you are. There are many of the athletes that have to go to the field house a lot, and the bus trip can be inconvenient. Plus, there are some that just want to ride on weekends out of the "COMPOUND" and feel like getting away.
5. A nice watch
6. A nice new cell phone
Pretty much all of these ideas; except the mountain bike; are small enough that they can all be sent in a nice small care package. Anyway, there's a lot of ideas. This is just a short list off the top of my head. later... mike....