Knee Surgery Disqualification?


5-Year Member
May 10, 2010
I am a junior in High School and am working towards participating in Army ROTC during college. In my sophmore year I had a reconstrucive surgery on my left knee that put me on crutches for 4 months. Due to a tumor on the underside of my knee cap and a hieghtened knee cap ridge, I had to have a knee surgery that took part of my hamstring and strung it through two holes in my knee cap to raise and secure my knee cap from "popping" out of its socket. I have been trying to get back in shape by running not more than a mile at a time. I am planning on still running to meet the physical fitness requirements. I am wondering if this injury will disqualify me for an Army ROTC scholarship or even Army ROTC participation.

Please respond/help
the man who can really answer your question is Larry Mullen. He is very active on the forum, and his contact info is everywhere. you could repost this in the dodmerb forum, and he can help you from there.
I understand where you are coming from. I do know for a fact however that the Army PT test contains a 2 mile run. Don't let this discourage you, my unit has a cadet who has re constructive knee surgery and the cadre/army are working with him.

You will probably have to get a waiver from Dodmerb
ausdummer - If U haven't already,s end me your posting; full name and last 4 SSN; to I will be working Sat night.:thumb:

BTW - DoDMERB doesn't grant/deny waivers; the Academy or ROTC program does.:thumb: