So speaking as a gal who wasn't well liked ( at least at the time I didn't think I was) don't worry about how like you think you are. For my Senior year we voted in our captains. To my surprise my team voted me captain. I had put my name in thinking maybe I could be jv captain and help out there.
The thing was they knew I was dependable. I wasn't the nicest person on the team, or the most go getter, but need me in a race? Boom I'm there not matter how tired ( I did 2 mile then jumped in for whatever coach needed me). Durning my four years I learned that cheering goes a long way so my team knew they could depend on me cheering durning the most boring of events. In junior year I proved that I would speak up if something was wrong, that made me dependable, but not liked.
The thing is when we focus on how "liked" we are A) we suck at judging it and B) it stops us. Like right now? It's stopping you from putting out name even in the ballet. You don't have to be the most liked to do the best job. Cheer for your team mates, offer to hold blocks, share food if you have extra and give your team your all. That's all you can offer but it's what people see. People remember how you make them feel. If you make them feel like they can depend on you, then they will. Trust me I was deemed "cynical" by my coach then he gave me the sportsmanship award, two sports in a row, you're probably more liked than you think.
Jiu Jitsu is an interesting one because when I did it we didn't have captains you're right. We did have people who coach used as demonstrators and they were seen as the leaders we could turn to. It does take a bit more explanation but leading a kids class or being a demonstrator shows you can communicate well, work to make sure a goal is achieved and control a situation. So yes it would be leadership.
Lastly leadership is not defined by a fixed position. You make the position what it is. So no leadership in club? Well who's leading meetings, who helping with planning, who's scheduling events you 7 can go to. No one? Heyyyyyy I see an opportunity. If it's a teacher? Heyyyy I still see an opportunity. Leadership doesn't have to be alone either. I was co Spanish club president. I handled out side activities, they handled meetings. Still leadership.