Lieutenant Colonel Scheller in the Brig

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Devil Doc

Teufel Doc
5-Year Member
Apr 25, 2018
I figured I'd take this Scheller story to a place other than the "Afghanistan in the rear view mirror" thread.

I've been to that Brig. Not a nice place. No, I wasn't an inmate.

I'm struggling with this whole thing. I've been following it pretty closely. Part of me supports his efforts and another part of me feels it is weakening our structure. I also feel he maybe battling some inner demons. It pains me to see this playing out.
I think that he's a d-bag for the grandstanding. I think that he has ulterior motives because he wants to start a second career as a politician. It certainly appears that he doesn't need the money, so when people become independently wealthy they often want power rather than wealth.
These are just things I think, however. I just know what I read - and for several years now - I only believe less than half of it.
His “accountability” point is undeniable. Methinks he might have marginally overplayed his hand now when people begin to question his well-being.
Like everything else these days I’ve also noticed amongst my circle that it breaks along partisan lines. Depending on their view of DJT, I can tell you their opinion of his crusade. Sad.
I think that he's a d-bag for the grandstanding. I think that he has ulterior motives because he wants to start a second career as a politician. It certainly appears that he doesn't need the money, so when people become independently wealthy they often want power rather than wealth.
These are just things I think, however. I just know what I read - and for several years now - I only believe less than half of it.
If he is independently wealthy that does put an interesting spin on it.

I've been out for a long time now but I still find myself putting trust into the rank as opposed to those I would be dealing with in the civilian world. I want to believe there is integrity here but I am not naïve enough to believe that would never happen.
His “accountability” point is undeniable. Methinks he might have marginally overplayed his hand now when people begin to question his well-being.
Like everything else these days I’ve also noticed amongst my circle that it breaks along partisan lines. Depending on their view of DJT, I can tell you their opinion of his crusade. Sad.
I don't disagree with him but don't like the platform from where he is talking. He was the CO of the advanced infantry school on the east coast. Not the basic infantry course but the advanced. Important stuff. Lots of active duty people have a problem with the way many things are being handled but can't say so publicly. He has this planned out and I also believe him to be well-off enough financially to forego his military pension. I also belief he has a view to a career in politics which is a lucrative endeavor in itself. He violated the gag order for a reason. I don't know the reason but he is no dummy.
Call me old fashion, but I was taught that when one speaks using this kind of language and rhetoric, he/she loses ALL credibility...especially when coming from a position of authority.

“Follow me and we will bring the whole f—king system down.”

If he thinks anyone other than a bunch of teenage recruits would find that inspiring and a mark of leadership, then he is either monumentally stupid or helplessly and hopelessly arrogant.
I won't delve into the specifics of what he wrote, but I think there are more effective ways of making changes in the military, such as the "Ned Stark" columns written by an Air Force officer.
My classmate (former CofS of the AF) invited "Ned Stark" to serve on his staff at Sodom-on-Potomac because he valued his inputs.
Call me old fashion, but I was taught that when one speaks using this kind of language and rhetoric, he/she loses ALL credibility...especially when coming from a position of authority.

“Follow me and we will bring the whole f—king system down.”

If he thinks anyone other than a bunch of teenage recruits would find that inspiring and a mark of leadership, then he is either monumentally stupid or helplessly and hopelessly arrogant.
I agree, not the way to lead. BUT I think it depends on who he is speaking to. If he is talking to further some personal objective outside the military he maybe onto something. There are people paying attention. This is interesting.
Speaking as a former commander, my response to this officer is:

Article 90, Article 92, Article 133, and Article 134.

Pick one from each category, put your name on the charge sheet, and forward it for processing.

Whether or not I agree with his sentiments, he knows better. He made a bad call, several times.
Speaking as a former commander, my response to this officer is:

Article 90, Article 92, Article 133, and Article 134.

Pick one from each category, put your name on the charge sheet, and forward it for processing.

Whether or not I agree with his sentiments, he knows better. He made a bad call, several times.
He published this video on a Thursday. Big mistake, and a lesson to be learned.
I think many have written Jerry Maguire manifestos. Nothing wrong with this. But best to write them towards the end of the week, say Thursday/Friday, then file it over the weekend and think on it, as well as the repercussions. Maybe even have a trusted friend look it over, or if in command a JAG. Then, if you really feel the need to publish it go ahead.
I think many have written Jerry Maguire manifestos. Nothing wrong with this. But best to write them towards the end of the week, say Thursday/Friday, then file it over the weekend and think on it, as well as the repercussions.
From "The Laws of the Navy" which generations of USNA Plebes have had to memorize:

Dost think in a moment of anger
'Tis well with thy seniors to fight?
They prosper, who burn in the morning,

The letters they wrote overnight.
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