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Daughter was selected to attend NASS last summer - but was just coming off of a major injury. After an exchange of emails with admissions and the medical staff it was decided that she not attend. Their opinion was that if she could not participate fully then it was better not to attend at all. They did promise an invite to CVW. (Probably a better tool for deciding then NASS anyway.)

She got an LOA in the fall despite missing NASS, so I can say, in her case, there was no negative consequence to not attending NASS.
One other thing to keep in mind about NASS attendance - while you are evaluating the Naval Academy the officers and midshipmen who are working with you also are evaluating you. I have had at least one candidate who fell on his/her sword at NASS and was dead meat so far as Admissions was concerned. You don't have to kiss-up, but do be appropriately respectful and attentive. And do be in shape when you go so that you can wrap up the CFA.
Son was accepted for NASS last year. A few weeks before his session he suffered a broken bone. He was advised not to go, even though he could, as it could only hurt him because he couldn't participate fully. We were advised that he would be marked as a "shirker" even though he was physically unable to perform.

I must respectfully disagree with this advice. My Mid was a NASS squad leader last year. As such, she was required to write evals on all of her squad members during each session. The NASS squad leaders will have just finished Plebe year, concluding with their own Sea Trials. There is a big difference (both at NASS and during Plebe year) between someone who has a legitimate injury and someone who is shirking. The NASS squad leaders CAN tell the difference. If you are cleared for everything but pullups AND you want to go, then do it. **Let your squad leader know about your limits.** Participate as fully as you can WITHOUT RISKING ADDITIONAL INJURY, and give 110% on any event in which you can participate. If your squad leader advises you to not participate in an activity - MC martial arts comes to mind- follow their advice as if it were a direct order. If you are not fully cleared for an activity and you do it anyway, your squad leader will NOT think better of you. S/he will think that you are not able to follow directions, and s/he will be very unhappy about filling out medical forms about you.

Ignoring the "advice" of your squad leader WILL get you a bad eval.
My post was never meant to be "advice," merely an anecdote. In a phone call in early June of last year and shortly before my Son's Summer Seminar session, I was advised by our regional admissions counselor (correct term?) at USNA not to send him as "he would not be able to participate fully and he would be frustrated." I was told later that same day by two 2009 grads (both former NASS squad leaders) about the evaluation by the squad leaders and the risk that he would be negatively evaluated, injury or not.

As with all postings on this board, take it for whatever it is worth to you. If you think I am posting a bogus tale, ok. (I'm not!)
I think this thread has outlived its usefulness. If someone wants to continue this discussion, please start a new thread.

Thanks from your friendly mod.
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