LOA dilemma


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Jul 30, 2007
Any suggestions what to do if you received two nominations for your top choice(Navy) but an LOA for your second choice (Air Force). My daughter doesn"t want to do anything to jeopardize her chances at USNA but sure would like the option of USAFA if she doesn"t make it. We don't even know if there is anything that can be done once nominations are announced.

Just to clarify: Are you saying she received 2 nominations to USNA, but no nominations to USAFA? Did the moc's know that she had an LOA to AFA? Was she required to select her 1st choice only as some moc's require? In that case they may not even have known about the interest in AFA.
sorry didn't get back to you sooner

Yes both her nominations were for Navy. I think for the Senator she had to put them in order of preferance. She might of just had to pick one for the representative, so of course she put her first choice. The question is what to do at this point if anything.
I'm not sure if this is good advice or not, but I'd start by calling my Admissions reps for both academies. Then based on their comments, I may call the MOC's staffmember who works on the nomination process and explain. This does sound a bit unusual, so I bet they'll be receptive.

Perhaps some of our Admissions volunteers can weigh in.
Yes both her nominations were for Navy. I think for the Senator she had to put them in order of preferance. She might of just had to pick one for the representative, so of course she put her first choice. The question is what to do at this point if anything.

I'm not following this. If she had to list her preferences for a nom and she listed USNA first, I assume she preferred USNA over USAFA. Thus, I assume that USNA is her first choice. That's why they ask.

If she got 2 noms for USNA and that was her first choice, she is in a good position to receive an appointment to USNA. Why are you worried that it won't happen?

If you wonder what she can do to receive an appointment to USAFA -- I'm not sure. If she wanted to attend USAFA, she should have listed that as her first choice. I had this happen to a candidate a couple of years ago. He picked USMA as his first choice for two MOCs and USNA for the final one. He got the USMA noms but not even an interview for USNA and no nom. He wanted to know what to do -- I told him that his first choice obviously was USMA (2/3) and he got that. He went to USMA.

Am I missing something here?