LOA received


Mar 18, 2024
DD received an LOA from USMMA yesterday, with high school graduation and nom as the outstanding stipulations. She qualified medically and physically in September.

She received no email from the portal and simply happened across it while diligently checking portal for status changes.
DD received an LOA from USMMA yesterday, with high school graduation and nom as the outstanding stipulations. She qualified medically and physically in September.

She received no email from the portal and simply happened across it while diligently checking portal for status changes.
Get in touch with your MOC and explain your situation. A nomination should fall in your lap shortly.
Get in touch with your MOC and explain your situation. A nomination should fall in your lap shortly.
Underway. She interviewed in our district, a cooperative neighboring district and, of course, two senators, so four irons in the fire. A third district said they just don't do out-of-district noms.
Have her send a note about the LOA to her nomination sources. Most Congressmen/Senators want to nominate someone they know will get an appointment.