I wondered if anyone else had this issue. DS has applied for quite a few local scholarships and has so far not gotten any. Went to a banquet on Friday night where they gave out quite a few, and what we noticed was that DS had a higher GPA than all of the recipients (I know that it is not just about that, however) and is also really involved in sports, extracurricular, Boy Scouts, volunteering, youth group, etc. My question is this, has anyone else found or feel that they didn't receive local scholarships because the assumption is when they see 'USNA' on applications (even though it states specifically that he has hasn't gotten in yet) that they get bypassed because the assumption is that they don't need one. We are still CPR and have yet to hear from NROTC, so extra scholarship money would be nice. (I also wondered if it had somewhat to do with our combined income, which we had to submit, but know some of the students who did receive one and am pretty sure their combined income is comparable to ours.) Also, we were told that if he received any scholarships that they could go toward his uniform fees, etc. if he were to get in to the academy. Is that correct?