Waivers can be granted for a history of asthma/reactive airway disease. Apparently the physician at DoDMERB say something in the medical records that met the requirements for a disqualification. You do have 2 options, first is to wait for the waiver authority to come back with a waiver decision, that can take 4-8 weeks, and the wavier is dependent on the history, when the last time any medication was prescribed and when the last symptoms were.
Second option is a rebuttal, if you feel that DoDMERB has made an error. It would be up to you to prove that your son does not meet the criteria of the disqualification, mainly that you son has had no episodes of asthma, reactive airway disease, exercise induced bronchospasm, or has taken any type of inhaled or oral medication used for the treatment of the above since his 13th birthday. If your son has had any of that since his 13th birthday, a rebuttal will be unsuccessful.
If you haven't already, I would have your son write a letter for the waiver authorities that gives his history concerning this disqualification, as well as when the last time he took any medication and what activities he currently participates in (both organized and unorganized). The waiver authorities have a lot more latitude than DoDMERB when it comes to disqualifications. The letter needs to be mailed to DoDMERB, and they will scan it into your son's file and forward it to the wavier authorities.
It also appears that DoDMERB has not received your son's allergy questionnaire, so I would download it off DoDMERB's web site and submit that with the letter.
I would not give up at all. Asthma waviers are granted all the time.