Looking for ideas to help Veterans/ Active Duty


5-Year Member
Mar 19, 2011
Hello, my name is Sarah. I am the Operations Officer for AFJROTC at my school. Our leadership group is looking for ways to help out the veterans and or soldiers currently serving. Any ideas?? Achievable and reasonable for a group of 260 students, ranging from age 13 to 18?
I created a club last year dedicated to doing that. We did fund-raisers and donated money to a Veteran's organization in the area. We also participated in Operation Shoebox and sent holiday cards to AD soldiers through a program at a local store. We're pretty much doing the same thing this year just with additional fund-raisers.
My wife has started a "Pennies For Heroes" in her school system. You can place boxes, large water bottles or any other container decorated with yellow ribbons and a brief description of the purpose of the donation in strategic locations around your school. You can choose to donate the proceeds to a fund for a specific wounded veteran in your area, a wounded graduate of your school system, "The Wounded Warrior Project" or any other worthwhile veterans assistance group. Ask students to donate their pocket change (or change from home). You will be amazed at how fast it mounts up. Remember to ask permission from parents and administration. Ten cents a day from each student for a school month could be about $520 a month for your fund. Good Luck.
Visit veterans that are shut-ins. WWII vets in nursing homes. Find out what services are represented in those homes, and celebrate holidays with them. If there's some kind of patriotic parade, organize something to get them there.... (this will likely be hard since they need extra care).

There are segments of the veteran population that often get overlooked. AD troops and wounded warriors don't get overlooked in programs, needy vets do.
Sarah- one of the things that really goes under the radar screen are the families of service members who are currently deployed, In particular- Reservists and National Guard members. While on a regular Army post, there are a lot of agencies to help these folks out, in smaller local communities that same level of assistance is not as easy to come by. In some cases that really leaves young families with children in a bind- for things like basic babysitting, yard maintenance etc... BTW: those are also things that much older Vets sometimes need help with.

Good luck- it's a great endeavor.
I live near Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. This is the hospital that the wound warriors go to when they come out of the desert. When they arrive many will be dressed in summer pt uniforms or tattered uniforms. The chaplains closet here is always in need of sweat pants/tops. They arrive in the cold winter here with only the clothes on their backs. They are given a small stipend to purchase some clothes but this can take time. If you are interested in donating clothes for the WW I can give you more details.

I like Bruno's idea.

Also, you can always donate your organization's time and energy toward supporting your local USO.
Those boxes were very very heavy. Still waiting for the dollar count.:biggrin:
Very good attempt sarah. Women like you is a real asset for this country :thumb: