Man in Iwo Jima Flag Photo Was Misidentified, Marine Corps Says

On one hand, I am glad they corrected an factual error. On the other hand, I was sad that the 6th man wasn't a Navy Corpsman as they are held in such high regard by Marines. But in the end, this quote from the article sums it up best for me:

"General Neller said in a written statement that “although the Rosenthal image is iconic and significant, to Marines it’s not about the individuals and never has been.”

He added: “Simply stated, our fighting spirit is captured in that frame, and it remains a symbol of the tremendous accomplishments of our corps — what they did together and what they represent remains most important. That doesn’t change.”"
All heroes in my view...what they went through on that "hell on earth" called Iwo Jima and many other places similar to this is a testament to the spirit of the U.S. serviceman. With one son heading to a career in the Air Force and another about to begin at West Point I pray that they don't have to experience anything remotely close to this. However, I do understand, as do both of them that protecting this great country is what they have signed up to do.