Mechanical Engineering Degree- How are you using it?


Aug 23, 2020
New to posting but have been reading this forum for a while and have gained so much information.
I am aware that each branch will place you where you are needed, but those of you that graduated with a ME degree, how are you (or did you) utilize that degree after graduation? Thanks for any input!
I use the analytical approach beat into my head from my degree daily when solving Army problems, but I rarely use the actual degree in my day job. I’m working on my MS which does require its application but in an academic setting. The hope is that sometime after the Army, I’ll be able to apply it, but my experience isn’t atypical for Army officers. The Army wants you to have a degree; they don’t necessarily care what it is once you are commissioned and they don’t necessarily give you opportunities to apply it
My husband graduated from NA with a mech eng deg. He did 5 years as a SWO, then transferred to the CEC. Got his masters in construction management and finished his military career in facilities management. Still in the same field as a civilian government employee. Having the background helped him figure out solutions to engineering problems, but wouldn’t say any of his jobs were pure engineering.
@Casey pretty well sums it up.

My DS, Army O3, started out in Chem E, because he loved Math and Chemistry. He could do reactions and proofs in his sleep. He dropped the E and went straight Chemistry because he wanted more freedom in his schedule to take CS and foreign language classes.

Like Casey, he does not use the Chemistry, but the CS classes were very helpful when he branched Signal (communications). The problem solving though is very helpful in many situations. One of his buddies majored in Mech E and commissioned as a Marine Infantry Officer. He transitioned to the Army Special Forces Qualification Course to become a Green Beret.

Study what you love, not what you think looks good today. Best of luck!