Class profiles are created annually. This can give you a feel for what your competition brings.At the moment my GPA is an 89, but I am I year ahead in science and have taken multiple AP's. I also got a 1310 on my first SAT and will take it a couple more times.
Also what do you think are my chances of attending summer seminar?
I also took the ACT, but I didn't do as well (25), so I decided to focus on SAT more.Be sure to take the ACT as well. Some people do much better on one than the other. And the Academies will super score across both tests.
What exactly does "community service" mean for the class profile, and how do they record it? I do a lot of community service (volunteer firefighter), but I don't have a specific amount of hours I have spent or any record.Class profiles are created annually. This can give you a feel for what your competition brings.
Class Portrait
Class Portrait page for Admissions at Updated Sun Feb 02 04:24:47 EST
There is no way of telling anyone’s chances of getting into NASS. It is a recruiting, outreach and engagement program for Admssions. Candidates have to have a baseline level of academic competence.
You see your shot and continue working on your application preparations.
Just trying to guess here, but perhaps the counselor was thinking your 1310 looks better in its category than your 89 gpa does in its? I don't know what the 89 equates to in a normal 4.0 scale since you could have all 89s and have a 3.0 or 10+ As and 1 B and have a 3.9+.At the moment my GPA is an 89, but I am I year ahead in science and have taken multiple AP's. I also got a 1310 on my first SAT and will take it a couple more times.
Also what do you think are my chances of attending summer seminar?
"community service" can cover a wide range of things, so be sure to note on your application that you are a volunteer firefighter. I'd think admissions would view highly.What exactly does "community service" mean for the class profile, and how do they record it? I do a lot of community service (volunteer firefighter), but I don't have a specific amount of hours I have spent or any record.
I like to say that the Average Guidance Counselor is trying to get the Average Kid into the Average State College which is quite different from the elite institutions such as the Service Academies.Guidance counselors mean well. But their expertise is typically around civilian colleges -- many of which are de-emphasizing standardized tests. Most counselors are less familiar with SAs, not because they're disinterested but because SA candidates are a relatively small number. So this lack of familiarity can lead to misinformation. That's why we advise regularly on SAF to review every page, tab, link and pulldown in the SA website. The more you know, the less you have to rely on possibly misinformed opinions.
Don't be discouraged if you are not chosen for the Summer Seminar! Keep working on your application - Maximize your SAT/ACT, GPA, CFA, leadership, and community services. I was not chosen for SS, but received LOA in September and offered an appointment in December.At the moment my GPA is an 89, but I am I year ahead in science and have taken multiple AP's. I also got a 1310 on my first SAT and will take it a couple more times.
Also what do you think are my chances of attending summer seminar?