We've got a current NAPSter who came here looking for advice and this is what you think is helpful? C'mon...
From my point of view, @
Bomboxlat is approaching this exactly the right way, i.e. he/she sees a touch stretch ahead and is seeking input on how to make it through successfully. In your selective edits, you omitted the part where this mature young person stated that "...NAPS has helped me SO MUCH...". What's wrong with being annoyed by a tough situation? Seems pretty normal to me and I applaud this M/C for recognizing this, knowing and understanding that they have indeed "struck gold" by being there, and wanting to ensure that they'll successfully complete the program.
To the OP, I'd recommend reading @
NavyHoops' post on a daily basis. Not sure if you'll pass an Alpha with it printed out and taped up somewhere in your room, but those are good words and they should stay front of mind.
You've got this. May will be here before you know it!