NAPS Questions?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 29, 2007
If anyone has any questions about NAPS (NAVAL ACADEMY PREPARATORY SCHOOL in Newport, RI) feel free to ask me! Some of the things I say will be in my own logical opinion, but most of it is completely accurate. You can always private message me as well. Thank you.
Curious, what happens if you don't pass NAP's or somehow cannot receive a nom? Then what?
As far as I know, everyone who passes NAPS successively (doesn't fail their final PRT and gets a 2.0 GPA or above) WILL have a source for a nomination. I'm pretty sure we automatically get the SECNAV nom.

Now, as far as getting below a 2.0 goes. Last year, there were some M/Cs who got below a 2.0 and did not "graduate" from NAPS. However, they somehow still went on to USNA with the c/o 2012.
Remember that there is one key element that you forgot to add to getting the appointment from NAPS to USNA, you need a positive recommendation from your commanding officer. That is a big hurdle to get over. You could pass everything and if you do not get a positive recommendation from the CO of NAPS you could be denied the appointment offer.
As far as I know, everyone who passes NAPS successively (doesn't fail their final PRT and gets a 2.0 GPA or above) WILL have a source for a nomination. I'm pretty sure we automatically get the SECNAV nom.

Now, as far as getting below a 2.0 goes. Last year, there were some M/Cs who got below a 2.0 and did not "graduate" from NAPS. However, they somehow still went on to USNA with the c/o 2012.

o ok...sounds good!
Well, the way it was put to us on I-day and throughout the year (I'm not quoting word-for-word, but pretty close) but our CO/Supt. at USNA told us that we are the first members of the class of 2013. We have half the ticket to USNA, the other half comes from doing well academically and physically. He is a great guy and as long as we're working hard, it seems pretty much like we'll be good to go.
Well, the way it was put to us on I-day and throughout the year (I'm not quoting word-for-word, but pretty close) but our CO/Supt. at USNA told us that we are the first members of the class of 2013. We have half the ticket to USNA, the other half comes from doing well academically and physically. He is a great guy and as long as we're working hard, it seems pretty much like we'll be good to go.

thats terrific!
USMC, do you plan on attending the prep school?

Well, I've always struggled a little academically, so it seems that it would be a place that I would be sent. :rolleyes: Provided I get asked...

That is how it works? Correct? You must be asked by the Academy?
NavyGirl- What do you think about the academics at NAPS? How does it compare to your high school and how do you think y'all will do at the academy (academically)?
NavyGirl- What do you think about the academics at NAPS? How does it compare to your high school and how do you think y'all will do at the academy (academically)?

good questions! I had similar in mind.
Yep. You don't apply for NAPS or any other kind of prep school. The Academy decides whether or not if you are scholastically Q'd
good questions! I had similar in mind.

USMC, my son's answer would be "harder than high school, not impossible, great prep for USNA." He was @ NAPS in 06-07. He'd been @ a competitive high school, where he had a 4.0 GPA but test scores below the USNA targets. He felt as if he had to work @ NAPS, but did well and had lots of help available if needed. As a plebe @ USNA, he made Superintendent's List with an Order of Merit # in the top 15% of his class while playing a varsity sport. That sounds like bragging, and I don't mean it to -- I just want to convey to future NAPsters that @ USNA they will be on a level playing field w/ 'direct admits.'

Son would probably insist that I add that the best education he got @ NAPS was learning from prior enlisted, who have a lot to teach 18 yr olds about what it is they're preparing for.
NCM is right, but BEWARE....

For some reason, my NAPS class ('87) was almost completely annihilated by the end of Youngster Year (including me). We fell like flies, some for REALLY stupid reasons (one clown got caught stealing credit cards out of the mail room back when banks simply sent them out, another had hidden the fact that he had fathered a child while he was an enlisted out in the Fleet), but most for academics.

I don't know if it was because NAPS didn't prepare my particular class that well (I doubt that, actually) or because we got blindsided, or because our brains just didn't shift gears, or because we were a little to sure of ourselves. All I know is that less than 20% of the folks who started NAPS with me in 1986 graduated from USNA in 1991. It was a bloodbath.

That said, times have changed. I am certain, both from experience as well as from what I've heard since, that the NAPS curriculum is just fine for preparing M/C's for USNA. What has to happen, however, is that the M/C has to APPLY that preparation when they get to USNA. Don't fall asleep on your laurels or the Academic Board will hand you your ass on a plate.
NavyGirl- What do you think about the academics at NAPS? How does it compare to your high school and how do you think y'all will do at the academy (academically)?

Well to me and some others, NAPS is like 13th grade... meaning its like we are still in high school. That goes for the maturity level for the most part, but partly academics too. Each MIDN Cand is placed in different leveled classes based on a placement test taken in AUG. I stated my math background already. Let me also mention that even though I Failed Precalc ever quarter, I stuck with it for the whole year because I still payed attention. That part payed off because the math course at NAPS I am in comes a littler easier to me than most, just because I've seen this material for the third time now! I don't feel like anything is impossible or anything like that, but its certainly not easy! The KEY IS TIME MANAGEMENT! When to do your homework and when to study for that test. Doin well in school here requires hard work at times and going to the offered Extra Instruction (EI). As a side note, EI is offered everyday right after school for an hour or more, then pretty much every evening as well. The staff definitely wants us to succeed, but work for it too.

There are three marking periods at NAPS. During MP1 we took: IT (info tech), Learning skills, math, eng, physics, and chem. We are about halfway thru MP2 and the change in schedule was no more IT. Soon, Learning skills will be done as well. I've been told that we will be prepared for the academics at USNA, so I'm not too worried. I still firmly believe a huge key to success is time management. Making sure you get the job done, in the right amount of time.
How does one secure a spot at NAP's so to speak, or let USNA know that if you cannot get into the Academy that you would really really really like to attend NAP's? Now I know that you are chosen, but how do you make yourself stand out in this choosing process if you believe you don't have the gpa to get admitted to USNA?

How does one secure a spot at NAP's so to speak, or let USNA know that if you cannot get into the Academy that you would really really really like to attend NAP's?

You don't. If USNA decides not to appoint you, but considers you NAPS material, they will offer it to you and see what you reply.

In my case, I remember getting a phone call from the CGO asking me if I would be interested in NAPS.

Uh...... like...... YEAH! :rolleyes:

Took me all of 15 seconds to get my mouth to move, though. I was too shocked that I had gotten in at all. :biggrin: