Naval Leadership Blog


5-Year Member
Dec 10, 2009
I am an active duty Navy junior officer (& USNA grad) that has recently started a blog @ Anchor Watch. My focus is primarily on leadership (particularly from a Christian perspective) and will be chronicling my life at sea aboard a destroyer. If you (or your friends) are interested in leadership once you get to the fleet or what life in the fleet after graduation is like please visit the blog. I'm also available to answer any questions you may have and invite your comments.



***Tactical Nuke please let me know if this posting is contrary to the forum rules. I don't think it is, but definitely want to play by your rules. Thanks (& thanks for administering this forum!)***
I took a quick look at it and it looks like some good stuff! the leadership and Christian perspective.
Anchored, do you have prior experience or will this be your first (or second) unit? I of course am assuming you mean Ensign or Lt. j.g. when you say junior officer, even though that includes up to Lt. Cmdr.

I took a look at the blog, nicely set up!
Here's some advice. When you post something, especially about leadership, and you get questions....answer them.

Sometimes called "open door", it will come off less as you trying to promote your own blog and more like you care what people have to say.