New 'Dant on the way?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 11, 2007
According to my Mid, today the Supe announced Commandant of Midshipmen Klein has been nominated for promotion to Rear Admiral (lower half). She will soon be assigned to other responsibilities, and another 'Dant will be named.

Brief tenure, huh?
Was he certain she was being reassigned immediately?

I seem to recall RADM Preuhr (I am butchering his name) staying on for over a year after he got his star. Seemed perfectly normal to us. Could this be the same?
Capt. Klein did receive her star, and if our previous dant, Capt. Grooms, is any indication, then she'll probably be reassigned sometime between now and the beginning of the next academic year.
We were informed Sunday at a Parent's Club meeting that the Dant would be leaving over the summer.
Mids were informed also that she would be leaving over the summer. I seem to recall being told at a parents brief (by Admiral Rempt) that the Dant is a 18 month to 2 year assignment. She came in December of 2006 so timing is about right.

Hope that she will be reassigned in the "area" as her husband - Professor Klein is a very good physics instructor. One of the best my Mid has had at USNA.
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this is interesting because the dant told us (NAPSters) yesterday that she hoped to still be at USNA when we were sworn in on I day.

She told us she had no idea when she was leaving.