MOCs do not need to submit their noms until January 31st. Although many MOCs do interviews much earlier, it is not uncommon for them to hold off on the submission of the slate until late January. There are many reasons for this that are somewhat complicated. One, for instance, is that the staffer is often asked to brief the MOC in person on each candidate and the committee recommendations. To do this, they must wait until the MOC is in the district. When Congress is is session, the MOC won't typically be in district. Similarly, during the holidays the MOC is often on vacation or the staffer is off. Recall that earlier this season Congress was dealing with some big issues (banking/wall street/auto etc.) which may have caused some delays or some MOCs to delay trips back to their district ... Also, many MOCs are coordinating between rep/senators and to do so they must wait until the MOCs they coordinate with to finish had interviews and decisions so that the coordination can be best done.
For these, and other reason, I suggest that you not bug the MOC office quite yet. The answer you would likely get is something along the lines of, "we make every effort to complete our nomination process as early as possible, but it may take several more weeks as we must brief the MOC on all candidates and the committee recommendations. Please be patient, you should hear not later than the first week of February." The MOC will probably send you a letter (many offices have the MOC actually sign it - which takes time so be patient). Calling to follow up with the MOC staffer will not make it go any faster (rest assured, they know you are waiting to hear and they will not forget to get it done!) neither will calling help in your cause as, frankly, once the interviews are done it's pretty much just a matter of paperwork. Be patient and by all means check your mail, answer the phone and check online (sometimes noms show up there before you get official word from the staffer). Some MOCs personally call the candidates, most have the staffer make the call, some only send letters (both yes and no's) while some never get around to telling the candidates anything (tacky, in my opinion!