I think I was contacted by my coordinator, the automatic email after you finish the online portion tells you who your coordinator is. I contacted him and asked him how to continue. He gave specific instructions, which included going to the closest navy enlisted recruiter and getting some papers signed in their presence (they will be petty officers). After that I scanned all the papers, they were signed by me and had the signature of the petty officers who were enlisted recruiters. After that I set up my interview with my officer recruiter, who is entirely different from the enlisted recruiter. The officer recruiter that did my interview was a LT, I believe. The LT sent the interview directly to the chief, and then with the interview, papers signed by me in recruiter presence, and fitness assessment (who I administered with my Lt.Col from MCJROTC) sent to the chief, I was all wrapped up with my application.
My NROTC coordinator (the chief) was about 3 hours away, and for the whole process I never had to drive to him or even call him. Everything was via email. I guess he really is a "coordinator", in the sense that all he did was coordinate. I never met him.