NROTC Interview Advice


5-Year Member
Nov 18, 2015
My DS had his NROTC Officer Interview a few days ago. Altho most have already had their interviews this year, there may be a few that this could help this year.

Prior to your interview review the NROTC Applicant Interview Form. You can find it here During the interview my DS could tell, by the question, what the Officer was looking for, and he could taylor his response appropriately. For example, one question was "Have you ever spoke to a large group?". The officer was working on filling in the box "communications". Appearance/Bearing is another box. DS got a hair cut a few days before the interview. Not a military cut, but he wanted to look sharp for the interview.

There is a lot that goes into having a successful interview. Much more than just knowing some of the questions to get the correct box checked. But, the checklist could just give you a little bit of an edge and some additional confidence.

As a side note. We got to the base 30 minutes prior to the interview time. As we drove up to the gate, we were instructed to go the the visitors building, the base is going into a lockdown drill. Needless to say we waited there for an hour while the drill was conducted. Hurry up and wait. In the visitors room was another student. He was there for a HPSP scholarship for medical school. Probably looking for about a quater of a million dollars of scholarship. He was dressed in a tee shirt, shorts and flip flops. I just don't get it.