NSI tip


Nov 18, 2023
If any future MIDN are wondering what NSI is really like, watch the Business Insider video on Navy Boot Camp. It is essentially everything you do but on a shorter timeframe. The other videos of NSI are okay, but they didn't go in depth as they were more like a highlight reel. Just wanted to get this out there because NSI was nothing like I expected.

If any future MIDN are wondering what NSI is really like, watch the Business Insider video on Navy Boot Camp. It is essentially everything you do but on a shorter timeframe. The other videos of NSI are okay, but they didn't go in depth as they were more like a highlight reel. Just wanted to get this out there because NSI was nothing like I expected.

Just watched the video. What were some things that stood out to you as particularly surprising at NSI? My friend went to NSI 2 this summer and said it was pretty calm after the first few days.
My NSI (3rd iteration) was different from NSI 2 and our RDC even said that. I am not saying it was easier, but I heard we had much stricter instructors, and our CO had no limit on IT. Not gonna lie, after watching the other NSI videos, I thought it would be a lot of fun, lots of PT, and generally not that strict. It was much different than anticipated, as there was so much standing around and just general bs. We also barely went outside. Honestly though, the evolutions made it worth it. Just take it day by day.
My DD was at NSI 3 and she said they were not allowed to talk to one another much until after lights out but then she was so exhausted she still didn’t talk much to others. She was very chatty when she got home!
NSI will hit candidates differently based on their past experiences and stress levels. Some will see NSI as no big deal and just a minor step on the way to commissioning. Some will have a life changing experience where they grow alot in maturity, stress inoculation, confidence, and motivation. Others will have a negative experience and really struggle because they do not handle it well. A few will quit.

In my opinion, the "life changing experience" is the biggest group that walks away from the training. I think that it is a great idea and program to really jump starts candidates into NROTC.

Any future Midshipman candidates going to NSI should just prepare physically by being in really good shape and prepare mentally to just to what you are told and be a good shipmate. NSI is not about excelling and being "The Best One". NSI is about following orders and being the best shipmate.

If you want a REAL experience video, check this one out:

My NSI (3rd iteration) was different from NSI 2 and our RDC even said that. I am not saying it was easier, but I heard we had much stricter instructors, and our CO had no limit on IT. Not gonna lie, after watching the other NSI videos, I thought it would be a lot of fun, lots of PT, and generally not that strict. It was much different than anticipated, as there was so much standing around and just general bs. We also barely went outside. Honestly though, the evolutions made it worth it. Just take it day by day.
What were some evolutions - I'm assuming are different training events - that stood out to you / were particularly enjoyable? Some that were the opposite?
What were some evolutions - I'm assuming are different training events - that stood out to you / were particularly enjoyable? Some that were the opposite?
imo the gas chamber, SAMT and battle stations are the most fun evolutions at NSI. The PT and PRT kinda suck - something about the grinder makes me run slower idk
I liked NSI, now looking back. I went to iteration 3 and the only calmer days was after graduation. Even that morning, it was crazy. There was a storm outside, and lightning, etc etc. And we got smoked that morning. While I was there, I wanted to go home. I think I had an hourly countdown and several weekly ones! I hated not being able to call my mom and check in, or even check the weather. I hated not knowing what was happening and being at the mercy of so many people who had it out for you. But now, even a few days after leaving, I miss parts of it. I miss staying up extra late to talk to my NSI sisters and gossip or get to know each other. I miss sitting on my rack and looking out over the squad bay late late at night and watching the girls under the red light braid hair, journal, climb into each others racks to talk or sleep. I miss journaling too. I would journal every night for almost an hour. I love rereading those now and seeing how much I both hated it and loved it at the same time.

The evolutions definitely got better and more interesting. The days went slow but the weeks flew by. The gas chamber, swim test, firing range were the most fun for me. I am so glad I went because I learned so much about disciple and mental toughness. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy it while it lasts because you will be with these people for the rest of your careers. Take the lessons given, whether spoken or doled out physically. Understand that the people screaming at you will become role models very quickly and people you were glad to meet. Understand that nothing is personal unless you make it personal. Don't tear each other apart for mistakes, stand by each other. No one is perfect. Live fully in the magic of the Great Lakes Recruit Training Depot because it is something to behold. And remember that it is only 19 days. You can do anything for 19 days!!!

I can't wait to come back and hear all the stories of next years midshipmen ❤️