As far as I know, you don't know. All you get is a final yes/no on your appointment
If you are qualified and are a CANDIDATE, and you did not receive an appointment via a slate such as your MOC, Presidential, or other; then you automatically go into the National Pool.
Now; whether or not you will be competitive and considered, is a different story. For instance. Let's say that after all the MOC, Presidential, and other slate appointments, the academy has given out 650 appointments. And let's say they want to have a class of 1,200 appointees. That means they will give out another 550 appointments. So that leaves about 4,000 +/- nominees to go to the National Pool. (Numbers aren't exactly what you thought, because there are many applicants who get more than one nomination and are number MOC slates; and they only get one slot in the national pool). Anyway; of those 4,000, let's say about 2,800 are qualified. Yes, many MOCs give nominations to individuals who aren't 100% qualified. They don't know your CFA, Medical, etc. info. So, of the 2800, they want to give 550 appointments. In the national pool, you are ranked by your WCS score. The academy knows on average how many will turn down an appointment. So, in reality, they will look at the TOP 1000 in the National Pool. It would not be uncommon for the remaining 1,800 to get the TWE (Thin White Envelope - Saying, sorry; try again next year) earlier than later.
So, if you're in the top 1000, you may not find out until the end of April. possibly a little longer. If you aren't in the top 1000, you may find out that you didn't get an appointment sooner.
If you are qualified and are a CANDIDATE, and you did not receive an appointment via a slate such as your MOC, Presidential, or other; then you automatically go into the National Pool.
Now; whether or not you will be competitive and considered, is a different story. For instance. Let's say that after all the MOC, Presidential, and other slate appointments, the academy has given out 650 appointments. And let's say they want to have a class of 1,200 appointees. That means they will give out another 550 appointments. So that leaves about 4,000 +/- nominees to go to the National Pool. (Numbers aren't exactly what you thought, because there are many applicants who get more than one nomination and are number MOC slates; and they only get one slot in the national pool). Anyway; of those 4,000, let's say about 2,800 are qualified. Yes, many MOCs give nominations to individuals who aren't 100% qualified. They don't know your CFA, Medical, etc. info. So, of the 2800, they want to give 550 appointments. In the national pool, you are ranked by your WCS score. The academy knows on average how many will turn down an appointment. So, in reality, they will look at the TOP 1000 in the National Pool. It would not be uncommon for the remaining 1,800 to get the TWE (Thin White Envelope - Saying, sorry; try again next year) earlier than later.
So, if you're in the top 1000, you may not find out until the end of April. possibly a little longer. If you aren't in the top 1000, you may find out that you didn't get an appointment sooner.
Christcorp - I follow all of that, but where does medical fit in? Do you only go onto the NWL if you are qualified including medical? Or do they only look at medical after they evaluate your file and determine they want you?
Thank you for always posting detailed responses. I really appreciate them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what your saying is, the longer my status states "Candidate" the greater my chances are in the NWL?
Christcorp - I follow all of that, but where does medical fit in? Do you only go onto the NWL if you are qualified including medical? Or do they only look at medical after they evaluate your file and determine they want you?
If you're not qualified in ALL AREAS, meaning: Academic, Physical, and Medical; then your application won't be QUALIFIED. It will say DISQUALIFIED. (At least I think it say Qualified or Disqualified on your portal - I'm use to looking at the ALO section that has much more detail). And assuming the disqualification is for medical reasons, you'll STAY DISQUALIFIED until a WAIVER is requested and granted, or the medical condition is resolved. If your application says qualified, then you don't have a problem. If you are DISQUALIFIED; for any of the 3 reasons, you WON'T be considered under ANY of the slates or in the National Pool. Not until the Disqualification issue is resolved.
Thank you for always posting detailed responses. I really appreciate them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what your saying is, the longer my status states "Candidate" the greater my chances are in the NWL?
Well, sort of, I guess. The old adage of "No News is Good News". But that isn't definitive. You could be in the National Pool list, and ranked heavily towards the bottom, and the academy simply hasn't put out a declination letter yet. There's no rule that says they have to inform anyone by a certain date. And remember; any attempt to get notifications out early, is simply for the benefit of the academy; in the hopes that the candidates they DO WANT, hold out and don't accept offers to other schools. Unfortunately, they don't really consider the Non-Selectees at all. Whether they're nice and give you a declination early; so you can make other plans; or they wait til may; it doesn't affect the academy either way. That is an unfortunate truth and reality.