Odd essay question


5-Year Member
Sep 12, 2016
This is probably a strange question but DD was completing her essays for army ROTC and max character count is 2000. Her essay character count is 2065 with spaces and under 2000 without spaces. Which one is correct? With or without spaces? Just don't want to go over. Thanks!
I would also assume "with spaces". The field that you enter the essay into probably will only except 2000 characters which would include spaces. A bit more editing to remove 65 characters. Good Luck
It is WITH spaces. Take out some of the explanatory clauses and adjectives. Go straight to common acronyms. Consider dropping the Oxford Comma. Do you really need the introductory sentences or can you synthesize them?
And they won't let you go over...if you copy and paste, it won't take beyond the maximum.
"In order to" for "to" in almost every case.

"That" in many sentence interiors is excess.

Choose "use" over "utilize," which should be kept for when you use something for other than its intended use. I used a hoe to prepare the garden. I utilized a hoe to pick my teeth.

Assess whether a semi-colon can be used to link two related independent clauses, replacing "and" for a net reduction.

Is there excess content describing known facts to the reviewers, such as laying out the mission, core values, ethics, etc., of a service? Edit, roughly, to "my (accomplishment) reflects my understanding of the Marine core value of commitment." Notice I left out "Corps" as a bit of a savings.

Writing one-page decision or point papers in the military is a standard officer skill, where complex issues are pared to issue/problem - background - analysis - recommendation. Clear, succinct and driving to a point.
Also, when you copy and paste be weary of rejected symbols or symbols changing. #3 had a lot of apostrophes that became question marks with the copy and paste. Also, in my house, we are big lovers of the ampersand--the Army ROTC essay site rejected all of #3's ampersands--so 'US & VA History' became "US History" and 'Anatomy & Physiology'...well, I don't know what he did with--that but it was a lot of words to use 'and'. Good luck Mere2033. Your senior has to copy, paste, and hunt for corrections--and make sure nothing dropped from the end.
Also, when you copy and paste be weary of rejected symbols or symbols changing. #3 had a lot of apostrophes that became question marks with the copy and paste. Also, in my house, we are big lovers of the ampersand--the Army ROTC essay site rejected all of #3's ampersands--so 'US & VA History' became "US History" and 'Anatomy & Physiology'...well, I don't know what he did with--that but it was a lot of words to use 'and'. Good luck Mere2033. Your senior has to copy, paste, and hunt for corrections--and make sure nothing dropped from the end.
Holy cow! Thanks for the heads up! Would have never know these issues would come up. I guess we'll be proof reading many times.
But please, just wrap it up...so that your child can make the 6 January AROTC deadline--and he cannot do his interview until after you turn in the essay and submit the packet...then he will get invited--and you have to set it up before everyone disappears for the semester break/holidays. I bet he can finish tonight.
But please, just wrap it up...so that your child can make the 6 January AROTC deadline--and he cannot do his interview until after you turn in the essay and submit the packet...then he will get invited--and you have to set it up before everyone disappears for the semester break/holidays. I bet he can finish tonight.
I knew about the deadline but didn't realize interview needed to be done by then also. Thank you for that! Will be done tonight!
FYI, when she does her interview the PMS or the ROO or both might look over the essay, in fact my daughter was asked to bring it in a hard copy. They gave her pointers and she changed it in her portal before the deadline, everyone above is correct just get it in so she can move forward. Some of the universities in our area are already on break! She will get an invitation but if there is a school near by, she might want to contact the battalion asap, like tomorrow, there is probably a secretary that answers the phone and she if she can get on the PMS's schedule, we were doing this same time last year and it was difficult to get her squeezed in. Believe it or not the PMS had a lot of kids wanting interviews and he had other commitments!