Personally, as a Mom of an AF pilot and a wife of a retired F15E AF WSO. I would say do not THINK about doing this at your age right now.
The flying world is known to EAT its' young. Great if you can graduate in 2 yrs., but I don't believe you will make it emotionally at UPT when you are only 20 compared to the other students that are entering at 23+. Some UPT students are prior enlisted (@27), some did ED (got their Master & @25), some are OCS, some xtrained from CSO to UPT (@28)
~ Maturity/life experiences between 20 and 23 is HUGE, 20 and 25/27/28 is really big.
When I say they eat their young, it is not said lightly. You will need a very hard skin to make it through UPT. As a Mom of 3. I don't think any of them would have had that skin at 20.
~ IPs will tell you daily that you and your class are the worst class they ever saw in all of their years in the AF!
~ Bust a test, and it is not like college where you average out the grade. Bust it and tomorrow you will re-take it. Bust it tomorrow and you are gone! Bust is not 50%, it is 80 or 85%. Pass it, GREAT, but realize they are not slowing down for you. While you were studying for the re-take, your classmates were studying for the next test. which will be the day after your re-take.
~ Bust a flight and it is the same deal.
The thing is UPT is an emotional killer. If you can't dust yourself off and say it was a bad day, than you are in trouble. See above about being 20. Please read Raimius's blog (signature line) about UPT life.
I am sorry if I offended you by stating I think 20 is too young emotionally, but I really do feel that way. My kids are AF brats. My DS did not live at home all 4 yrs in college. Fencers twins were USAFA. Stealths DS was USAFA too. However, the one thing all of us would say is somewhere during their 54 weeks at UPT we received phone calls telling them okay dust yourself off and tomorrow is a new day. They were all 23, not 20.
Finally, my pet peeve!
Short Answer: your chances are pretty damn good right now. The AF is desperate for aviators and frankly, they're accepting a lot of people that probably aren't qualified to be aviators. With that said, you should have little trouble.
I hate when people state this. Yes, there is a shortage. HOWEVER, the AF is NOT adding anymore UPT bases, nor more UPT IPS, or T1/6/38s into their inventory. Currently the pipeline is producing @1000 pilots a year at full max. The shortage is not from 1st tour op pilots, but the O4 IPSs that are not accepting the bonus and fleeing to become a busdriver in the sky!
Secondly, AF pilots are required to be FAA FC1 qual'd. As I stated they have a large pool to select from. When they did not have a large pool, they could fight for a waiver, but now if you need a waiver and they have more than enough applicants they can just say NEXT! Because everyone believes that there is such a shortage the pool size is getting larger.
Next, the way the rated board system works is that a candidate must apply for ALL 4 rated positions. You may place UPT at the top, but they may come back and hit you with CSO or RPA. If you decline that slot the AF will tell you that you will forever be ineligible to apply for UPT. It is a risk.
Lastly, even today with the shortage, they do not have 100% winging, not even 70%. What they do have is WE OWN YOU. If you bust than you will serve out your commitment as an AF officer flying a desk. Flip side, if you do wing you will owe a decade of your life before you can bolt.