Official 2016 AFROTC POC Selection Process Thread

Your usually right, Pima. I'll accept that.

Still, just happy to have a chance at an EA. We'll see what Big Blue says in the coming weeks.
My cadre announced that the EA release date will be push back to April 4th at the earliest because there were not enough rated- intended EA applicants. Therefore, they push the date back and encourage cadets to check that rated box. I hope the selection rate will be super high. Good luck y'all!
I wonder why that would matter at all from an SFT selection perspective, accept maybe from the aspect that they have a hard number that must be selected from each group, and that means by not fulfilling the rated, there would be some non-rated cadets not selected. I.E. let's say they have a 30/70 rated/non-rated ratio. If they only have a 20/80 ratio right now, than 10% would not get a slot and the class size would be smaller than they need.

However, what is interesting if that is the case, than it would mean to me that the rated board next year would be @100% if they can't get more cadets to sign up for rated. Not saying everyone will get Pilot, but chances would be high that they would get at least 1, and thus there would be no alternate list.

If I am right, than that is what is strange. Big Blue has announced that more will becoming out of the OTS pipeline for rated. UPT and UAV pipelines are running at 110% with a backlog to start UPT on avg of at least 6-9 months, so that makes me wonder what their plans are for those AFSCs.
~ Part of the pipeline issue is the domino effect. It is not just UPT or UAV schools, but the schoolhouses are backlogged too. For example, most schoolhouses are now running their simulators 6 days a week 24 hours, and on the 7th day it is 12 hours. They don't want to have the recently winged pilot to now do casual status to start their airframe training. Some of this is caused on the pilot side because of conversions, such as the C130H is being replaced by the C130J, and those pilots need to be re-trained in the 130J. The 16 is going to be replaced by the 35, and they are now going operational.

Good luck to all, and if they don't drop until April 4th be ready for a fast and furious few weeks, especially for those attending Max 1.
I'm just confused how this even became an issue...I was always under the impression that a VAST majority of cadets want to go rated.

I know at my detachment, about 40/50 of our FTP class volunteered for rated.

I also thought that was confusing, but looking at this forum many cadets want to do cyber now.

What I think is silly about the force into rated option is: If they are only doing this for SFT. and get a rated slot as an AS300, that does not mean they will wing, and now the AF could be stuck with problems in the rated pipeline and busting because they never wanted to be rated, they just wanted to be an AF oficer.
~ See Raimius's signature line of life as a UPT student.

Do not get me wrong, I get it, they want to serve and this is a huge hurdle, but it feels like that a cadet might say I want to be an officer, and ... so to get commissioned, I will go this route, and hope that I will not be selected as an AS300 and can go non-rated.

Back in the day for my DS, there was no check the box for rated. It was tech or non-tech only.
I'm a tech non-rated 200 and I have a couple friends who are non-tech non-rated...I genuinely do admire them; following their dreams and having integrity.

Plus I imagine it's quite easy to get out of rated...bomb the TBAS/AFOQT pilot section and mark pilot as high and everything else as low.
Yeah it is weird to me as well, vast majority of my FPT class is going for rated slots. I'm rated, non tech personally. I know everyone that didn't apply for rated got a call over spring break last week to try and get them to change to a rated slot.

I want to go rated, but you are right about non techs "going rated" to get a slot and then not attempting hard to get a rated position. Part of the that is playing the game smart thought, non tech non rated has a viciously low select rate most years.
We are all on the same page. Forcing rated equates to nothing more than filling the SFT.
~ Next year the cadets can bomb the TBAS.

It just seems weird to force this from a cost analysis aspect. If the cadets don't want to go rated they can work the system.
I can report the same thing, I think nearly everyone in my class, tech or non-tech, put down rated because they thought it would "guarantee" them a commission. Weird in the end, but hey, they reopened me and my buddies waiver, so I am happy for the weirdness I guess.

I am tech, but I'm going rated, I actually want to be a pilot. Scored 98 on AFOQT-Pilot, so we'll see how the rest of things go.
I requested Max 1 and will probably have a decent shot at getting it because I have a good reason...however it's going to be rough once slots drop, because there won't be much time to get gear/get ready, and I'm definitely not buying anything before I know if I even got a slot.
Yeah, but I would get everything (and somethings earlier no matter what) for the bag drag ASAP after finding out you got a slot.

Also, especially you akrogan, talk to POC at your Det for tips on what to pack (all-in-one body and hair wash, electric razor, certain padlocks, etc.).
The board convenes today. They could be done earlier, but the earliest I would say they come out is April 1.
I would have said it is low because they like to do it on LLAB days, and Monday is usually not a LLAB day.
are you talking about the waiver board?

No, total board. Im going to guess waivers are going to be considered on a case by case basis as they do the board. Everyone should find out whether they got a waiver or not at the same time we find out when EAs come out.

Just a heads up though, DODMerB waivers are a separate process, and civil involvements were not going to be looked at.

Heres to hoping my RSS and AFOQT come in clutch.
No, total board. Im going to guess waivers are going to be considered on a case by case basis as they do the board. Everyone should find out whether they got a waiver or not at the same time we find out when EAs come out.

Just a heads up though, DODMerB waivers are a separate process, and civil involvements were not going to be looked at.

Heres to hoping my RSS and AFOQT come in clutch.
why wouldn't they tell us about waivers before the huge EA dump comes out? I feel like we should know if we're submitted before we know if we got an EA, no?