Outgoing / Incoming MOC


New Member
Mar 17, 2024
I’m sure this question has come up before but I wasn’t able to find it in the forums and google was not my friend so apologies in advance. What happens with respect to nominations if a current MOC is retiring and not running for re-election. Does the newly elected MOC inherit the existing slate or do they start fresh? Are the nominations MOC specific or district / state specific? There seems to be a very small window of opportunity to obtain a potential extra nomination source. Elections are over in November, the new class of congress is sworn in about January 10th, but the window for nominations closes January 31. I realize that’s a very small window, but does anyone have any experience or knowledge around this? Thanks in advance. This site has been extremely helpful in navigating the entire process.
Normally the outgoing MOC submits. The incoming MOC absorbs whatever status appointees they have at each SA, so it does not start over again.
Generally, the whole process is run by staffers, and the MoC has little to no input. They just get to take the credit.
imagine if a incoming MoC has to release an application, conduct interviews, then submit, all within a 28 day time frame from Jan. 3rd (normally) to Jan. 31st
Each MOC runs their own process, but typically a committee handles all of the details/applications/interviews. MOC generally has little direct involvement. The outcome of an election likely has no impact on how they handle NOM's. Every SA advises candidates to apply for all NOM's for which they are eligible. MOC NOM is not the only way to get a NOM.