Parent's weekend 2006

Royce's Mom 2010

10-Year Member
Aug 31, 2006
Here are some photos from Parent's weekend 2006:

Royce and me, his mom!

here is R in his room:

and R with his little siblings:

and R with his little siblings with a family tradition of silly faces (Royce is looking like he could just die):

Beat Retreat - R is a Flag Holder:

Company 2 - Acceptance Day:

Royce and his momma:

Royce right before we left him at the end of parent's weekend:

and look at that look as he didn't want to say goodbye:
Royce looks just like Mom! How sweet is that!? Mine looks like me too. I can pretty much promise you he didn't want to say goodbye.... The little ones probably miss him so much. The little brother wins the "Best face" competition! :yllol: Kids are soooo funny. Those will be the most treasured photos some day!
Thank you!

Let's see if I get this right........

It is the Navy Reserves eagle.... because the USMM midshipmen take an oath to join the Navy Reserves, along with an oath for the MM.

Anyone, Anyone... did I get that right?

And in the first few pictures he doesn't have the gold pin on yet, because they only wear it once they are Accepted, which happens to be on Parent's weekend!
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Well, it is way cool. I am going to NMMI parent's weekend tomorrow and Spider will get to wear his newly-earned shoulder boards. Yah!
Bumping up this super OLD thread.... had to go back to the beginning of the webpage's history....

I am the Mom in these photos. I changed my username along the way, to protect the innocent.

But see that third & fourth photo down with the rest of my kiddos, all in one shot? Making faces?

See that "little" boy? He would have been 10 years old in that photo.

Guess who could use your prayers.... DS has in Nom, and all his paperwork is to the academy, and it appears the Medical should be approved.... Now we wait. I wish I could say the waiting is easier the second time, but it is not.

And in the mean time, I am secretly stocking up with Bubble Wrap. :shake:
See that "little" boy? He would have been 10 years old in that photo.

Guess who could use your prayers.... DS has in Nom, and all his paperwork is to the academy, and it appears the Medical should be approved.... Now we wait. I wish I could say the waiting is easier the second time, but it is not.

And in the mean time, I am secretly stocking up with Bubble Wrap. :shake:

Sending good luck, good karma and good vibes your younger DS' way....
DogCarbon, I wish you and DS the best. My youngest would dearly love to follow in his older brother's footsteps, but he has an asthma diagnosis and, although it's well controlled, it's doubtful that he'd qualify medically. However, we're talking up SUNY Maritime....:smile:
DogCarbon, I wish you and DS the best. My youngest would dearly love to follow in his older brother's footsteps, but he has an asthma diagnosis and, although it's well controlled, it's doubtful that he'd qualify medically. However, we're talking up SUNY Maritime....:smile:

That darn asthma diagnosis seems to be a game stopper doesn't it? But there is more than one way to get the final destination. :thumb:

The medical has been a few extra hoops, and we are hopeful that it will work out after all these extra tests.....

Thanks for all the well-wishes! We are still holding our breathe!