Parent's Weekend - Duty


Dec 23, 2015
If a cadet has duty on Saturday, is he able to get an exception to leave campus for the hours he isn't working?
No, once a cadet is on duty, they are to remain on campus for the 24 hour period. It's the same on a ship and its the same at the land unit I'm at now. If the fire alarm goes off, cadets in the duty section report to the watch office to be assigned as building guards (preventing others from entering until the all clear is given) or as message runners. As a firstie on duty, you're responsible for ensuring there is 100% accountability of the corps. I know it's not fun when the schedule ends up like this but my best advice to your cadet is for him to ask his classmates whose parents/family are not attending and see if they'll switch duty days. They don't have to be in the same company and all he has to do is inform the 3/c responsible for making the schedule.

It's all a part of this service thing we do.
Losing weekends or weeks to duty will be an ongoing theme through his career.
Losing weekends or weeks to duty will be an ongoing theme through his career.

Not to mention holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, children's births/graduations/weddings...military folks just flex to the needs of their service.