Here's my take on this subject.
Parents come here for many reasons. What typical university says your kid has a medical problem? Imagine thinking that accutane, wisdom teeth, allergies or braces were a non-issue and now find out you have to jump through hoops to help your child achieve their dream. Our DS is 17, he cannot make any appts., without my help. He is in school during the hours that Dodmerb can help. We are military and have an understanding of the process, what if you weren't...common reaction is where do I go to find the answer, maybe I am overreacting. Go to the forum and find the answer.
Next situation, as a parent you hope for the best, but expect the worst. If you have no experience at all with the military, this is a safety net to be anonymous and ask the question you think might be stupid.
There are ALO's and BGO's who are not very active, or maybe has said something that your child doesn't understand and the child relays it to you. You show no outward emotion and come to this site for further explanation, thus, you have the ability to be the parent and prepare the child for good or bad.
Then, there is the whole process of nominations, WCS, Dodmerb, ROTC scholarship, where your best friend and family can't help you, but you want to make your child know that you understand it when you don't.
As far as cutting the apron strings...I do agree. It is up to our DS to stay on top of this, if he wants it bad enough, he will do so, if he doesn't than he will have to answer to himself. Bullet and I cut one of the strings already many months is his life, we haven't cut the other, because as a minor we still are an integral part.
The process is lengthy and you do make a bond with these people. Not many parents of college freshman can understand that there is no contact for 5 weeks. The SA forum is where you can log in and say your fears. The SA is where you can find out which bank is the best (remember those with appts right now maybe under 17 and the parents have to sign) This is a special community and I am very thankful that they exist
I don't understand why some are letting his/her parents do all the work
I don't understand where you are seeing this on the forum