I'm not sure if it will help; however, my DS went through this. First and most important were you prescribed and associated meds after 13. If yes, respectfully, there might not be much you can do. To that end my DS really wanted this so I spared no expense. I found a Dr. that was a specialist in this area. Not only was he a specialist he also worked with the Navy and their divers. Here is the catch, the Navy recognized this Dr's experience which held weight with DODMERB or so I have been told. The Dr. give my son the "S" test. (Sorry, I'm an engineer somebody else can sleep that one. The only thing I understand is math.) Anyway when he completed the test the Dr. reviewed the results and wrote a lettter clearing my DS of any asthma. His letter was sent to DODMERB and they never asked for any further testing. He is now a 1st. Class Mid. I can't promise anybody the same results but if it's something you truly want and can spare the expense then take the time to look for a very good Dr w/ a strong background in this field. Ask if they work with the Navy or understand what the Navy is looking for. We are lucky to live in an area where there is a base this was how I found the Dr. we used. Hope this helps.