Personnel Officers (Prez Nom)


USAFA CS-12 "Dirty Dozen"
Jul 27, 2019
So, in the process of figuring out the Presidential nomination for both USAFA and USNA, I approached my father (currently 24 yrs AD, USAF) about getting his Statement of Service (signed and dated by a current personnel officer). He is currently an instructor of aerodynamics at USAFA.

He has no idea who to approach about getting that signed and dated. He knows how to access the Statement of Service, but he doesn't know who to go to. Is it just any personnel officer? Because he knows two personnel officers (in the Department of Aeronautics and for the faculty as a whole), but he doesn't know if he's supposed to go to a specific guy, or just any personnel officer.

Could you guys help out with this? Thanks much!
He should go to his personnel officer. No mater what role he is currently in, he has someone assigned to support him. It would be the same resource that he would use if he had a pay question or even to submit his retirement paperwork.
It will resemble a memorandum signed by his personnel officer...he should go see his S-1, G -1, or Human Resources Officer depending on how his unit is organized.