PETA Wants the AFA to Stop Using Live Falcon Mascots


"Land of the free, because of the brave..."
10-Year Member
Dec 12, 2012

The AFA also is running a contest to name of it's newest falcon: Cast my vote for PETA!! :rofl:
Although the name, Feather Lochlear, mentioned in the article after the "Giddy Marines swallowing scorpions & guzzling cobra blood during Cobra Gold exercises" ...allegedly... is really cool too.
@Devil Doc any truth to this rumor? ;)
Those birds get treated like your favorite child. The raptors and handlers are top notch. I’m a Bama man but watching that eagle swoop down to the field before an Auburn home game is an awesome experience.

I’ve attended most every medical management of chemical and biological casualties the army offers, and we resuscitated an African green monkey one day. The monkey was under the effects of a nerve agent complete with salivating, tight chest, and pin point pupils that stared at me as I ventilated him with an Ambu bag.

The main objective was to show us how difficult it is to ventilate a nerve agent victim. The monkeys rotate and are used once a quarter. The staff told us that protesters show up every time the monkeys are used and sure enough, they were there when I drove up. They had signs and the whole nine yards.

Use of animals in science is always a topic during the ethics discussion with my biotechnology students. They all disagree with it of course. One student told me that rabbits are used to test mascara, eye makeup, etc. She said the rabbits’ eyes are so beautiful that they are perfect test specimens for the products. Hmmm, who knew?
One student told me that rabbits are used to test mascara, eye makeup, etc. She said the rabbits’ eyes are so beautiful that they are perfect test specimens for the products. Hmmm, who knew?
Although I work in IT I have spent a lot of my career supporting Healthcare & Lifesciences companies including 15 years working for one of the worlds largest pharma. Those companies would dearly love to move away from testing on animals but at the moment cannot due to the rigors of getting new drugs approved. I know that there is an argument that testing on animals is cheap. That simply isn’t true. The animals that are used have known genetics through generations of breeding and are very expensive.
How about we never share any PETA or any other far-left radical speech and do our part in forcing them into irrelevance by not lending them an audience to whatever mind-boggling idiocy they come up with?