Pittsburgh won’t host Army-Navy game


15-Year Member
Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2008

If Army doesn't start getting a little more competitive, they are going to be looking at towns like Williamsport PA (home of the Little League World Series) to hold the Army -Navy game soon. This last go-around was really just sad. Even when Navy was completely in the hopper and Army had won 4 straight in the mid 90's the games were close and interesting to watch (Anyone recall Ryan Bucchianeri -poor guy?). Now they are just embarrassing.
Good. Who wants to go there for Army/Navy anyway. I would not want to go there for a mid-December football game. The climate in Philly and/or Baltimore is much more appealing.
The reason is NOT the competitiveness of the Army team although I can assure you - the situation is being taken quite seriously by the Army Brass.

When a city bids on the game it is my understanding they are responsible for transporting both the Corps and the Brigade to the game. The effect on the local economy for the weekend is enormous.

Next year the game moves to the second Saturday. The idea is to make this the showcase game as it will be the only college football game that weekend. Indeed, it would be nice to see a competition instead of a rout.
I would rather head to Pittsburgh for a few reasons, the most important of which, unlike Baltimore and Philly, I won't have to worry about being shot on the way to the game. :thumb:
If A-N is going out for bids on host cities......My wallet :thumb:(and frozen body) votes for 1) Hawaii 2) Miami 3) Tampa 4) Jacksonville 5) San Diego .......on a more serious note....with the game being moved back 1 week next year will Exams and the end of fall semester be moved back also ?
A-N city players

At the Army-Navy game, I spoke with someone in the Philadelphia Sports Congress (Linc Field organizing entity) and asked them who was in the hunt for bidding on the next multi-year contract. Philly is going after it big-time again, as well as Baltimore, Meadowlands, possibly DC and Boston. All those are reachable by the oh-dark-thirty parade of Brigade and Corps buses, though Boston would be brutal for travel and chill factor. Proximity to a major metropolitan hub is also key to drive the associated attendance and merchandising dollars. Stay tuned to navysports.com for updates. Surely it's part of the tradition to freeze your tuckus off at this game. I liked the Navy-Notre Dame game in Orlando a few years back...
I liked the Navy-Notre Dame game in Orlando a few years back...

I liked the one in Dublin, Ireland in 1996. (coming again in 2012). :thumb:

Cold, gray, damp Irish November weather, perfect for football.

I liked the one in Dublin, Ireland in 1996. (coming again in 2012). :thumb:

Cold, gray, damp Irish November weather, perfect for football.

Oh yes, Dublin was great, it's currently set for 1 Sep 2012, for your long-term calendar. Navy plays Notre Dame in Baltimore again in 2010, 23 Oct; it was a good venue at Ravens Stadium this year. These dates are from ND's long-term calendar.
I believe that Indianapolis is also one of the cities that may be bidding on hosting A-N.
If A-N is going out for bids on host cities......My wallet :thumb:(and frozen body) votes for 1) Hawaii 2) Miami 3) Tampa 4) Jacksonville 5) San Diego .......on a more serious note....with the game being moved back 1 week next year will Exams and the end of fall semester be moved back also ?

Yes, exam dates have been pushed back.