He should focus first on which service mission, types of duty and airframe, and culture seem like his best fit, then reverse engineer all the way back to the commissioning program. That’s research and visits to service academies and ROTC programs if you can swing them. Is he going to the USAFA summer seminar? That is a classic way to be introduced to USAFA. He will be spending 4 years and then another 5+ years in a service - he has got to feel like that is his tribe. If he wants pilot, he works his butt off for it, regardless of stats.
He should also build into his comparison analysis which service and program also offers officer specialties he could see himself doing if by some chance he does not qualify physically for pilot or is not selected for it.
Many candidates here apply to all 5 service academies, all 3 ROTC programs and of course, complete civilian college options should he not physically qualify for military service (harder than you would think), fail to obtain a service academy nomination or not be found fully qualified for a commissioning program. Applications have opened up/are opening up for SAs, ROTC, nominations, other pre-comm programs. As candidates progress into their senior year, there may be opportunities to visit various programs, to help inform their decision.
Recommended reading here on SAF are the Nominations and DoDMERB forums, especially the pinned posts at the top of the thread list. Also helpful is the Acronym List, reachable from the home page.
The critical first step for your son is to thoroughly read each program website, page, links, drop-down menu items, taking notes and building out a strategic application plan with action items and due dates. He should lead the process, consulting with parents as needed for admin help, detailed discussion on medical history questionnaires, etc.
Look for pages like these below, as many military medical accession standard items can trip people up. The standard is the same across all services. Waiver policies vary. Here’s a sample:
Learn about the medical requirements, examination process, and disqualifications for all U.S. Air Force Academy candidates.
(Read through the drop-down menu.)
My final thought. All the services are justifiably proud of their cultures and unique differences. The Marines in particular are extraordinarily steeped and strong in their culture. You have have to want to be 100% Marine first and foremost. Whatever you do as your professional specialty in the Corps, it is a distinct secondary consideration. Not a service to choose because of “stats.” None of them are.
Good luck!