Let me attempt some clarity to the subject. There are two avenues here:
1. USMAPS-Is a prep school located near WP. You must be deemed academically disqualified and need a NOM. Those who attend must be recommended by an RC and/or athletic director. MAPS has a purpose to polish up recruited athletes, prior enlisted, underserved minorities. No guarantee you'll win an appointment after completing the program and you'll need another NOM.
2.Civilian Prep-These cottage industry schools come in a wide spectrum. You'll need to do research to find the best fit. There are two types of students "sponsored" and "free agent". Sponsored students are those who have received an AoG scholarship to attend. "Free agent" students are privately paying their way, however, there are scholarships and grants to assist. There is no guarantee of winning an appointment and you will need another NOM. Sponsored students are recognized from a recommendation though their RC.
Both groups need to have their ACT/SAT scores brought up, time management skills, study skills sharpened.
I hope this helps
Push Hard, Press Forward