Plebe Care Packages


New Member
Apr 28, 2016
Can personal items such as cologne, headphones, sunglasses, or watches be sent in care packages during plebe summer?
Don't send those items Plebe Summer. If you are coming Parents Weekend, I recommend them to be brought then. They aren't needed Plebe Summer and will constantly be getting moved around. If family isn't coming Parents Weekend, have them send the stuff to come in after Parents Weekend.

Not much is needed Plebe Summer. Mostly care packages during PS are food based, pictures and letters.
Protein & Fat! healthy energy foods, that is what they all ask for. Not vitamins or powerd supplements. Protein bars, nuts, Jerky etc..there are so many great new snacks on the market these days. Course a little good ole candy always makes the day happy. When you go for parents weekend or if you can fit it in a box a small Tin or plastic container is always helpful. Otherwise as my DS says you just pay your "tribute" to the resident mice and don't worry about it. Of course during Plebe summer nothing lasts long enough for the mice to get it.
Plebes don't rate sunglasses, watches, or headphones - best to bring them at Parents Weekend. DS wanted protein bars and Pop-Tarts, and we sent Jolly Ranchers and throat lozenges and lots of photos of family and friends.
OP. I don't know about cologne - but air fresheners are a very big yes.
What are some of plebes favorite/most helpful things to receive in care packages during plebe summer?
My DD really didn't need anything - even the food was unnecessary. What she appreciated the most was the personal notes, fill in the blank letters, new stories and pictures.
Funny story - during one of their first room inspections one of the detailers noticed that she didn't have any pictures on her bulletin board & the detailer asked her about it. Without cracking a smile she replied "I don't have any friends, sir!"