Plebes and Personal Music

This is true but there are some exceptions. For example, as a plebe, you'll go through Army Week and Air Force week, meaning you'll be allowed to listen to music, watch movies, play video games, and other forms of media that you normally aren't allowed to utilize as a Plebe. Also, during sports seasons, particularly football season, as a Plebe, you can make bets with upperclass and be allowed media/carry on privileges should you win the bet.
Per Midshipmen Regulations plebes are authorized media on town liberty. Companies/Battalions/Brigade Commander are not able to take that away.

Plebes not rating things isn't a thing anymore, they have media at least once a week and racks during the day.
My youngster took naps almost everyday during plebe year! Totally company dependent. She did not rate music but roomate (recruited athelete always had headphones on and listened to music) . Company dependent again.
My youngster took naps almost everyday during plebe year! Totally company dependent. She did not rate music but roomate (recruited athelete always had headphones on and listened to music) . Company dependent again.

And some Companies won't even let their plebes rate their rooms..