While 'crowing rights' about Herndon climbs are indeed a long-standing tradition at USNA....I think there is another 'monumental' event to note from the Class of 2011's scaling of Herndon.
I can't look at those Herndon photos, seeing Kristin's cover poised on the top, without crying. This has touched my mother's heart deeply.
There are those who feel that from the beginning in 1976, when women first were admitted to USNA, that it was a mistake. There is still at times, what old-school feminists labelled 'male chauvenism' still at play for females at the Naval Academy.
While I myself have mixed feelings about mixing the sexes for military training - and I am the mother of a female midshipman, no less....seeing Midshipman Dickmann's cover put there by a male midshipman, with the joyous affirmation of the Class of 2011 - may be the best statement that can ever be made to put an end to any lingering prejudice.
Jesus said: "Greater love has no man than this, than that he give his life for his friends." Dear Kristin went to take a nap a few days ago - never knowing on this side of heaven that her death would bring a unity to her Classmates that is historic and never to be forgotten.
If I could, I would salute every member of the Class of 2011 individually for this wonderful, class-act statement.
God bless our mids - These "Plebes no more" and all the present and future and past midshipmen at the amazing school known as the United States Naval Academy.