PMS local interview or Skype?


5-Year Member
Apr 2, 2019
DS has been to all 7 schools on AROTC list, but local public university doesn’t have his intended major (Russian), so he has no intention of applying there. He has met face-to-face with the ROOs of his top three schools which are on the other side of the country. Does he do PMS for interview locally or do a Skype with one of the others, perhaps choosing the one who seemed most enthusiastic about his profile? Also, do you think gmail can go to junk mail? He’s reached out to his top two ROOs recently and hasn’t heard back....which seems perplexing since they both deemed him competitive in all regards. His next move is to pick up the phone on Monday, but I wanted to get your advice here on what to do first.
My son had a similar situation last year, where the local options for interview were limited, and he didn't hear back from his "first choice" for the interview. He ended up doing 1 in person interview at a school he did not plan to attend (Yale), and 1 skype interview (one for Army, one for Navy) . He ended up with both scholarships, so I suppose a good interview is more important the the delivery method. Good luck to your son!
My son had a similar situation last year, where the local options for interview were limited, and he didn't hear back from his "first choice" for the interview. He ended up doing 1 in person interview at a school he did not plan to attend (Yale), and 1 skype interview (one for Army, one for Navy) . He ended up with both scholarships, so I suppose a good interview is more important the the delivery method. Good luck to your son!
Thanks! Did he do the Skype interview with Army? And what of his #1?
I'd strongly recommend that he do an in person interview rather than a remote video interview. A number of the evaluative narrative blocks ask for descriptors of composure and appearance. It is difficult to get at these in a remote video interview (among other things).
I'd strongly recommend that he do an in person interview rather than a remote video interview. A number of the evaluative narrative blocks ask for descriptors of composure and appearance. It is difficult to get at these in a remote video interview (among other things).
He ended up doing the in-person and it went GREAT! Fingers crossed!