Post ALO Interview Worries


5-Year Member
Oct 11, 2011
I recently did my ALO interview and I think I did OK, except for my responses on a few questions that have been troubling me since. For the most part, I felt that my interview went pretty well except when we discussed the Honor Code. I had already known what the Honor Code is, but my ALO gave a better explaination of what it is and how it works. After his explanation he asked me if I have ever seen/let someone cheat off of me, and I said yes because it seems like in my school at least the top %10 of the class has cheated in one way or another whether it was a homework assignment or a test. Then he asked me if I have ever cheated before and I didn't want to hesitate to let him believe I was planning on lying, so I gave him a quick yes but I was so nervous about the question I didn't expand upon my result. I have never cheated on a test or quiz before, but I have looked online for help on homework problems I don't know how to do. I know I gave an honest answer but this has been bothering me since because I don't want it to hurt my chances of getting accepted. He didn't seemed to disturbed by my response so I was wondering if it is common for Candidates to admit to Honor Code violations before they enter a service academy. Should I explain to him the circumstances of my response? Thank you... :confused:
I would definitely shoot him/her and email to explain your worry. Getting homework help off of the internet is not cheating, it is being resourceful. Cheating would be if you copied a friend's homework without any of your input. Let your ALO know what you meant by your response and explain why you answered the way you did. Even though you went against the honor code, elaborate on how you grew from the experience, if you did, and also explain how the experience affected you and what you found out you needed to change.
Yes, it might hurt. However, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for you) cheating has become extremely common in many schools. It may or may not significantly hurt your rating from the interview.

The big thing, in my view, is that you don't EVER do it again. Honesty has to be your default answer. I can almost guarantee you will face a situation where cheating will seem to be the easy solution, without causing pain, but that can REALLY come back to bite in unexpected ways.
I have a real-world example of how severely cheating harmed some individuals in the is NOT pretty. :thumbdown:

Suffice it to say; resolve to never do it, never accept it...

I have the same problem, my ALO asked me about the honor code and cheating on tests. I said "yes" and said that I cheated on tests in middle school (Like maybe once) but I stopped in high school after I joined my local JROTC program. :thumbdown::thumbdown: