Pre-Plebe Summer Training Suggestions


Apr 14, 2019
Hi everyone!

I’m working to gather up and send out all of the required documents to get ready for USNA this summer. I was just wondering if any of you had suggestions as to how I can ensure I’m physically prepared for PS?

Naturally, I’m as nervous as anyone about being prepared, especially physically. Just wanted some suggestions, as were about 2 months out from I-day!

Thank you in advance :)
I'm also a "pre-plebe" and I've been kind of following the schedule of training routines that they gave in the ptr packet. I feel like the sheet helps me to be more prepared for summer:)
Then run some more. The "military" is all about running. It's good for you overall, and requires no expensive equipment or training facilities. Good and cheap is a win-win.
Running, work your core, and then find every variation of push up, pull ups, sit ups, planks, leg lefts, flutter kicks, etc. and do them. Wide grip, narrow grip, etc. You run a lot Plebe summer, get your body used to it. It’s also just not the running, but the chopping, marching, standing in a p way for hours. You spend a lot of time on your feet and miles daily on top of the running. Ensure you look up USNA PRT scores if they aren’t in your PTR. The CFA scores are behind you now, start focusing on the PRT requirements. I would say at a minimum be able to run 3 miles at a 7 minute pace for a male, 8 for a female. 5 miles is even better. Learn the different exercises and treatment to prevent shin splints. Google or find your high school cross country coach for tips.
Do as much as you can before the I-day. If you don't have enough time for everything, focus on the running over strength. Either way, they will get you into shape really quickly. However, if you aren't used to running at least a couple miles a day you are putting yourself at a greater risk for getting injured. This is way more common than you would think (especially for swimmers who aren't used to the impact).
A very impressive, detailed calendar was included in the packet. As one parent pointed out, also include stairs!
And for those who spend Plebe Summer on the 4th deck of a wing... bless you. Stairs galore. But you get in really good shape.
Especially 7-4 where the 4th deck is really the 7th floor.
(My plebe summer home before moving on up to the far more civilized regions of First Battalion)
Ladders, plebes to be, ladders!

I have no idea why, but your post made me think of hearing this over the 1MC;
"Sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms. Give the ship a clean sweep down, fore and aft.
Sweep down all lower decks, ladderbacks, and passageways. Sweepers!"
Ah yes. I liked it when the old “show a leg” or “shake a leg” was worked in. Fun phrase for future salts to research.

I always liked the creativity that went with the “Away! Away the flying head-cleaning team! Report to...”

Sorry, gentle readers, I’m easily diverted at times.

As far as the original question of this thread, there are plenty of threads about this, including a recent one. The PTR gives basic info.

What plebes have to realize it’s not just one intense workout session a day, but you are go-go-go all day long, at various intensities, in the sweltering humidity of an Annapolis summer. You start the day with PEP. You and your squad and platoon will likely jog in formation to other locations on the Yard during the day. Those locations may involve more exercise, say, in the pool or with dinghies. There will be spot sessions of exercises throughout the day - push-ups, sit-ups, etc., on hard floors, in cramped conditions, with sweat rolling into your eyes. You’ll be chopping (high-stepping trot) in Bancroft, again on hard floors. Add in the mental strain of memorizing and responding to questions, and learning and retaining new stuff every day. Add in the craziness of sharing 1 shower, 1 sink in a 3-4 person room, with minutes allotted. For many, this will be an abrupt and shocking change in their lives - which is the goal. If you were a PT stud in HS, look right and left, you have company. If you were the smartest kid in your class, ditto.

Run, run and run. On all kinds of surfaces, weather, times of day, with food in your belly. Work for stamina and endurance.

And, you will all smell like dried sweat, fresh sweat, old sweat, mixed with the stuff they put in new white works. The good thing is, you won’t notice it after a while, and you won’t care.
Definitely be in good running shape. Also just as important is to have a strong core and be good at pushups. Outside of PEP, you’ll be doing sets of 25 pushups and holding front-leaning rest for up to 3 minutes generally at least a few times a day. If your form suffers you’ll draw unwanted attention to yourself.

Even if you show up in great shape, it’s tough to prepare for the overall way in which Plebe Summer drains you both physically and mentally. You’ll be sick for perhaps a majority of the summer, exhausted throughout each entire day, and constantly getting yelled at. These things combine to make everything including PT more taxing than it normally would be. And before too long the monotonity of the summer takes its toll as well.

Just do your best with training now and get ready to “embrace the suck”, as they say.
Gauge your current level of fitness first. If you're already a stud athlete, then the materials USNA sent you are a great guide. It combines running and many of the exercises you'll be expected to do during PEP. If you're not the greatest athlete, work up to that routine. Don't injure yourself trying to do too much too fast. If possible, talk to a coach or trainer at your h.s. about how to work into the USNA routine as quickly as possible w/o injury.

Also, be sure you keep going up to I-Day. Lots of folks are doing great now while they're still in h.s. But as h.s. ends and students go on vacation, they tend to slack off. Thus they are in great shape on May 1 but in terrible shape on July 1. Don't be one of those. :)
If you really want to mimic the plebe summer experience, beyond cranking up the heat and humidity, do this: In between all the running and chopping, consume fried food and burgers and hot dogs and waffles and pancakes and tacos and pasta. Not too much fresh fruit or fresh veg. And lots of Gatorade. Is it the healthiest stuff? No. But it's what you'll be getting at plebe summer. Amazing how some plebes lose weight and some gain weight. Clearly, YMMV.
Running, work your core, and then find every variation of push up, pull ups, sit ups, planks, leg lefts, flutter kicks, etc. and do them. Wide grip, narrow grip, etc. You run a lot Plebe summer, get your body used to it. It’s also just not the running, but the chopping, marching, standing in a p way for hours. You spend a lot of time on your feet and miles daily on top of the running. Ensure you look up USNA PRT scores if they aren’t in your PTR. The CFA scores are behind you now, start focusing on the PRT requirements. I would say at a minimum be able to run 3 miles at a 7 minute pace for a male, 8 for a female. 5 miles is even better. Learn the different exercises and treatment to prevent shin splints. Google or find your high school cross country coach for tips.

My wife is an orthopedic surgeon and team doctor. I can't emphasize this enough. Often you hear "RUN RUN RUN". But what is often overlooked is working on core weight lifting. There is a direct correlation between core training and a decrease in running injuries. If there is an injury, they are usually less severe and heal faster. I know this may be un PC to say, but this is especially true for females due to... general "CG" differences from males. Google weight training for runners. If possible, get to a gym several times a week. If not, see if your parents will buy you some dumbbells or get to a Walmart and buy some yourself. You probably only need about 6-8. Maybe even less to start.