Any prior service applicants heard anything yet? I know it's a waiting game, I was just curious if anybody knew anything about the timeline being different or so on.
So because I didn't have a congressperson, the recruiter for priors called me (CPT Mason) but we also just swapped commanders so my old commander could have been notified. My address got messed up so I didn't get the certificate until a couple weeks later.
Well I forgot to say congratulations! The waiting is killing me, I'm hoping to hear before I PCS. It's a strange shift from rushing to get the entire application done in less than two months, and just sitting around now.
Thanks! Just in case, I would make sure you keep your information updated on the portal, or just change your address to your parent's or someone reliable that isn't moving anytime soon. It really is a rush but you can't go wrong prepping physically for it just in case. Good luck!