If I am correct, you are an AS200. Right now the importance for the AFOQT is not rated boards, but SFT, where they will use this score for selection. How you perform at SFT will also be part of your rated board package.
As Humey, stated the AFOQT is a small portion of the PCSM. Unlike the AFOQT, where you can find study guides, you will not be able to find any for the TBAS.
~ Many AFROTC cadets find that having some flight hrs assist them not only on the AFOQT, but also the TBAS. Additionally, as stated the flight hrs pump up your PCSM, thus it is two fold advantage to get at least 20 flight hrs. Just like SFT, there will be a line drawn when the rated board submits their list. It can come down to decimal points.
Finally, if I recall correctly, you are an engineering major. A couple of things.
1. Certain times for rated boards, certain degrees will be deemed critical manning. They will still give rated slots, but will limited the amount to that particular degree. Thus, yes, you can in theory have a higher score compared to the avg, but not be picked up because your degree was tied to critical manning.
2. Many cadets think that engineering will give them an edge at UPT, but that impo is a fallacy. Flying is about handling the stick, and many times from a natural ability. Does it help at the beginning when doing the academic portion of UPT? Maybe, probably, it all depends on that UPT student.
I wish you the best. If you have not started to get any flight hrs, ask the folks as your Xmas, Hannukah present a couple of flight hrs while you are on winter break. Than save some of your stipend or birthday money and get more flight hrs during spring break and the summer when you are not at SFT. It will help in so many ways from your TBAS to your PCSM, and at UPT because you will learn how to land in cross winds, or understand the importance of memorizing the BOLD on the checklist.