We have a question that we were hoping someone could answer that might have gone through this themselves or have some first hand information on . . . .
Our son received a LOA and of course, it was contingent on 1) completing the CFA, 2) clearing the medical and 3) obtaining a nomination. Item #1 is complete and we are having the interviews to get #3 (and the feedback has been positive so far). Item #2 is another story . . . . . apparently DODMERB has a negative policy in terms of allergy shots and academy medical approvals.
Without going into a long story on this, what has been the experience of those that may have had allergy shots in getting past the USMMA medical portion of the application process or receiving a waiver.
The DODMERB Disqualification Code was D123.21; History of allergy immunotherapy within the previous year
Our son has been focused on the academy for a few years and if this is an obstacle that can be overcome, any assistance would be greatly appreciated by both us and him.
Feel free to respond via Email if preferred.
Our son received a LOA and of course, it was contingent on 1) completing the CFA, 2) clearing the medical and 3) obtaining a nomination. Item #1 is complete and we are having the interviews to get #3 (and the feedback has been positive so far). Item #2 is another story . . . . . apparently DODMERB has a negative policy in terms of allergy shots and academy medical approvals.
Without going into a long story on this, what has been the experience of those that may have had allergy shots in getting past the USMMA medical portion of the application process or receiving a waiver.
The DODMERB Disqualification Code was D123.21; History of allergy immunotherapy within the previous year
Our son has been focused on the academy for a few years and if this is an obstacle that can be overcome, any assistance would be greatly appreciated by both us and him.
Feel free to respond via Email if preferred.
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