Questions about Naval Institute, Alumni Association

J. Cas

10-Year Member
5-Year Member
May 17, 2008
Just got my Permit to Report in the mail, went through and filled out everything I could. The only thing that's giving me any trouble is the optional stuff-is there any real benefit to shelling out the $540 to join the Alumni Association? I don't see myself participating in their activities, but I don't want something as silly as that to hold me back from advancement later on. As well as the Naval Institute Membership-neither of these things came with a ton of information, and while they do have websites I'd prefer just asking knowledgeable, unbiased people about it. Any advice you guys could give me would be great! Thanks :)
I would highly reccommend the Alumni Association. $540 over four years isn't that much. You don't see much of the Alumni Association till you're a firstie (I'm talking straight from experience right now).

Over this past year, they have supported our class at all our major milestones and events (service selections, orders night, etc.) They have held many functions and socials this past semester to support us in graduation. This week, we received out life member packets, filled with goodies and contacts lists. The Alumni Association is your link to the "extended Brigade." They publish the free monthly "Shipmate" magazine to members which gives graduates news about the Academy and also ways to keep in touch with friends. The very few people who didn't sign up for the membership are now regretting it. They can still sign up, but it costs more money.

They way I see it is that I'm going to be an alumnus of a school that is very selective and prestigous so I will join its membership.

As for USNI, don't know much about it, but they offered the graduating class free three year memberships this year so everyone took advantage of it. USNI is an organization dedicated to the puclication of naval related matter. They also pusblish the "Proceedings" magazine which is an open forum on national defense. People write their own opinions and articles for broad publishment. It's a pretty good read.
Thanks, I'll probably sign up for the Alumni association then after all, I don't want to regret it later.
The Alum Association really takes hold when you're . . . an alum. :smile:

Seriously, one of the main things you get is Shipmate, the Alum Assoc magazine, for the rest of your life. The main part of Shipmate is class news. You may not think you care now but, trust me, 5, 10, 20, 30 years from now, most people are curious about their classmates and, in some cases upper or underclass they knew well.

The other thing it gets you is access to the Midstore forever. Comes in handy when you attend games, reunion, or are on the yard for other reasons.

Lots of other benefits, but these come to mind quickly even 20+ years later.

Joining as a plebe is the cheapest way to go. You can always join later, but just do it now. You REALLY won't miss the money.