Questions/Personal Opinion

I am very good at time management and have every minute of every day planned from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. So far I have been able to stay on target every day with my schedule. I always make sure to give myself 30min to and hour before TAPS to just unwind... I look forward to that time. I also look forward the hour that I am in the weight room everyday. There are absolutely things to look forward to, its just all in perspective. As a civilian I would have thought that my best days here were horrible, but coming from Basic, those days actually look pretty good. Keep in mind that all of this is Squadron dependent, and although my squad is fairly restrictive other freshmen "22" probably have it worse. Also going to bed at TAPS is something I look forward too... my roommates goes to bed around 1 am most days and he hates it because sleep just means he is getting behind. I would say that if you can manage your time well then you can have quite a few different times of the day to look forward too. Sorry, long answer for a short question.

Thanks again for the insight! It's great to learn the tips and tricks of surviving the zoo.
FWIW, my DS is a 3* and says that the mental strain is greater on this year's Doolies than it was last year; however, the physical is less.
Classes sophomore year ramp up a bit more. It gets harder too when they determine their major. I guess everyone deals with it a little differently though.
FWIW, my DS is a 3* and says that the mental strain is greater on this year's Doolies than it was last year; however, the physical is less.
My son (3*) made the same comment during Parents Weekend. I'm not sure if it is just a different perspective now that he is no longer a Doolie, or whether it is mentally more diificult this year for the class of 2016.
FWIW, my DS is a 3* and says that the mental strain is greater on this year's Doolies than it was last year; however, the physical is less.

I initially read this wrong, so my comment was based wrongly. I too would like to know. My 4* is struggling a little with Knowledge tests. Could they have, yet again, changed the format of the K-Test? Not that it matters, he will have to adapt and figure it out. From experience, 4* year is a mental adjustment in many ways. There is a learning curve and perspective is needed at times. I hope to be able to support my 4* when ever he needs it without over stepping the boundaries of what the Academy is teaching him. I can only make suggestions from a distance and remind him of how much he wanted this last year at this time. I can be there to listen to his venting his frustrations, but I can't change the course of events that lead to his disappointment/frustration. Only he has the power to do that. I appreciate that, as an athlete, he does have that mental break when he goes to practice. Hopefully, he can learn to balance everything soon, or goes to the right people and asks for the help he needs.
Normally, a 4th year isn't as stressful academically. Because the academy is trying to fully acclimate an individual to military life, actual academics is not that difficult. It's the type of basic GRE classes you'd expect at the basic college level. Much of it a rehash or similar to High School senior classes. More emphasis is on "Military" life. Physical as well as mental with such things as knowledge tests.

2nd year, or basically after recognition, they tend to back off of the "Games" and military part as much. Academics in the 2nd year however is considered by most as the most difficult year academically. Your 3rd and 4th year still has a challenging academic life, but you're in your major more often. You tend to like the classes more. You still have some of your mandatory core classes, but academics considered by most are easier.

However; realize too that your C2C/C1C years have you a lot busier with being in charge. So while academics seem to calm a little, your time management skills really need to improve. But for the sake of this discussion, your C3C year is much harder academically than your C4C year. Your C4C year is more difficult mentally, physically, and emotionally than your C3C year.