Quick Question, what is CC?


15-Year Member
Aug 25, 2008
I keep seeing references to CC, but do not know what it is. Can someone help me out?
I keep seeing references to CC, but do not know what it is. Can someone help me out?
It is college confidential, another forum very similar to this one but mostly for civilian schools. They do have a section for service academies also :-)
It also is our quick reference to Christcorp. So read through the post b4 you jump to www.collegeconfidential.com

College confidential also has a great military link under the colleges. Most of the info on here and over there is identical. Not everybody over there knows about this site, but those who post on both usually will always refer this site b/c this site has MullenLE and there is nobody over there with Dodmerb specialty, nor do they have the flashchat.

College confidential is a great site for kids b/c it has tons of colleges, FAFSA and Parents forums. This site trumps them for military oriented kids, b/c it is truly dedicated to the military.
For my money, this site is far superior for information, while CC is more "chatty," and more contenscious.
I agree with fencersmother that this site is much better than CC. There is much more information by people who know what they're talking about (especially regrading Air Force Academy). Since discovering this site I've never been back to CC. But then again, USAFA is the only school I've been thoroughly researching.
College Confidential was the "original" and just about all the cadets who post here started on CC. I go as far back as Uncynical and remember Hornet as a candidate, then he and his fellow 2010's posting during their 4 dig year. They have given rise to two more "generations" of posters and have taken a number of cadets under their wings in the process. CC was my window to the what it meant to be recognized or the absolute thrill of earning jump wings. I sense there are more active adults/parents on this site.
College Confidential was the "original" and just about all the cadets who post here started on CC. I go as far back as Uncynical and remember Hornet as a candidate, then he and his fellow 2010's posting during their 4 dig year. They have given rise to two more "generations" of posters and have taken a number of cadets under their wings in the process. CC was my window to the what it meant to be recognized or the absolute thrill of earning jump wings. I sense there are more active adults/parents on this site.

Funny how the communities have grown since then. Pretty awesome, its good to see all the interest.