Nov 21, 2019
DS was DQ'd by DoDMERB today with the following codes:

Myopia - refractive error greater than -8.00 diopters (spherical equivalent)​
Myopia - refractive error greater than -8.00 diopters (spherical equivalent)​
History of any dislocation, subluxation or instability of the shoulder​
History of any dislocation, subluxation or instability of the shoulder​
History of systemic allergic reaction to food or additives​
History of systemic allergic reaction to food or additive​
Correspondence Posted - Single Disqualification

Question: Are any of these NOT "waiverable" for USMA and USNA?

DS has received congressional nominations for both SA's, so assuming he's competitive. Has passed his CFA too.

His shoulder required surgery for a torn labrum and is without any restrictions.
He's allergic to seafood, although not diagnosed from a physician.
During the DoDMET exam, he was told his eyes are healthy, just "weak" (poor vision). He wears contacts, so not sure if this code is considered correctable or not.

Any insight is appreciated. I don't want to set any false sense of hope, and definitely have plans B-Z in place.
The SA will automatically request a waiver if they feel your DS is admissible and then DODMERB will determine if the waiver will be granted. My older brother (USMA ‘85) was DQ’ed on vision (way worse than your DS’s) but received a waiver. Best of luck!