Your ALO interview is a time for you to shine in every aspect you possibly can for your review.
airforce16 is right your ALO interview is an opportunity for you to shine !
in addition, airforce16 and zachogden have a valid viewpoints about not being concerned about knowing AF weapon systems... but be cautious... their opinions are due only to personal experiences...
(?) as is mine.
IMO it is very much in
your best interest to get smart on the basics (ie. new jets, bombers, etc.).... current events.... iraq, afgan., iran, china (leaders, military, interests, etc.).... the future
the last thing you want is for you ALO to ask you a question and you have no related response.
your interview can be from 30mins to 1 hour (up to the ALO) so there won't be alot of time for you to "shoot the breeze" and tell all you know.
and... the questions, the time, and the tone of the interview it totally dependant on how through (how good a job) your ALO wants to be.
again... I cannnot stress enough how important it is to smile, be assertive, positive, COOL, and CALM, and friendly to you ALO... just be yourself and whatever you do...DO NOT -